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Sensual Surrender Massage (Tie and Tease)

The Sensual Surrender experience is designed for powerful executives who want to be transported out of the realm of the ordinary, into another state of surrender. Those who are in power reap great reward from being able to give inand surrender during this type of treatment or massage. For once, you can just lie back and let someone else tell you what to do, while indulging in the ultimate pleasures of a sensual massage. I will be in complete charge of the situation, meaning that you can give in.

Going beyond any ordinary erotic massage, the Sensual Surrender treatment puts an emphasis on all of your senses rather than simply the power of touch. This is an extra sensory massage, with me making use of a number of various propswhich are designed to desensitize you for the maximum level of pleasure. You will remain passive throughout this experience, as your sensual mistress, me, ties you up with a rope. Your eyes will be covered with a blindfold to take away your sense of vision, allowing you to let go and give in to the massage.

The goal of all of these sensory deprivations is to heighten the sense of touch. Because you will be unable to see me, you will anticipate my every move even more greatly than you would if you were in charge of the situation. Your mistress masseuse is in complete control, and you will have to simply wait for the events to unfold. I will massage and stimulate you from head to toe, with unprecedentedstroking movements. Because you will be extra sensitive, each touch and stroke will seem extraordinary.

This treatment can be extremely arousing and intense. Your masseuse is in complete control, and you can only surrender to her stimulating touch. The end result of all of this extra sensory stimulation is a flowing river of stress release, leaving you feeling relieved, stress-free, and with a full sense of ultimate well-being.


60 minutes $240    (Introductory price for new clients)


90 minutes $340

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